I Changed My CasePacer Password and Can't Access CP Hub – What Should I Do?

If your CasePacer password has changed or Windows is not functioning properly, preventing you from signing in to your CP Hub, you'll need to update your CP Hub password in your password manager.

Changing CP Hub Password on Windows: 

1. In your windows computer, search for the Credential Manager.


2. Select Windows Credentials.

3. Under Generic Credentials, expand cphub.casepacer.com


4. Click Edit.


5. Update your CP Hub password wit your new CasePacer password and select Save


Changing CP Hub Password on Mac: 

1. On your search bar, search for Key Chain access.

2. Once Keychain Access is open, navigate to the "Log In" section and search for the entry labeled cphub.casepacer.com.

3.To modify the password, simply double-click on the entry labeled cphub.casepacer.com. Then, enable the option to show the password. Enter your new password, which should correspond with your current CasePacer password. Once you have made the necessary changes, click Save Changes.