Microsoft Office Policy Update and CP Hub Access [December 2023]

Take these steps to ensure Microsoft policy allows your team access to CP Hub. NOTE: These steps can only be done by an MS Office Admin.

  1. Login to your MS account at and navigate to the Admin Center.

  2.  Select "All Admin Centers" from the nav bar on the left, and then click "Office Configuration" in the main window.

    office configuration ms office
  3. Select "Go to Microsoft 365 Cloud Policy".

    cloud policy ms office
  4. If you haven't created any policies yet, there will be blue "Create" button that you will need to press.

    Otherwise, you will be taken the policy management screen where you can create new organization polices. 




  5. Create a policy with the following details:

    Name:  AllowBasicAuthCPHub

    Description: Enable basic authentication for and domains

    Scope: This policy configuration applies to all users
    Policy: Allow specified hosts to show Basic Authentication prompts to Office apps
    Configuration Settings: Enabled
    Host names:;
  6. Depending on your firm's network configuration you may also need to enabled the following policy regarding network proxies:

    Name: Allow Basic Authentication prompts from network proxies
    Policy Type: Manually configured, Enabled
    After adding these polices click next to go to the "Review and publish" screen, and then click "Create" to enable these policies.

    After adding these policies, Microsoft Word should be able to access files from CPHub.