A CasePacer Component

CP Link


Cloud Editing

on your desktop

While most case management software requires constant uploading of documents as they are revised and updated on a user’s computer, CP Link will allow users to edit documents in their native applications (i.e. Microsoft Word or Excel) without ever having to reimport new versions into CasePacer software. Every time a document is saved, the changes are automatically saved within the firm’s CasePacer document storage. 

Native Application Saving

This easy to install application will allow CasePacer users to connect their firm’s CasePacer document storage to the native document editing applications on their computer, creating crucial time efficiency. 

Bonus: Use CP Link's drop folder to save files to the cloud without ever having to login with your browser.

Version Control

CP Link has the additional benefit of saving all versions of the document, not just the most recent, making it advantageous for large firms who have multiple team members touching a case. 

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“I love to show our customers how you can you can edit files directly from your browser, with CP Link, they can effortlessly connect CasePacer to their favorite document editing tool. It truly does add a whole new level of teamwork and productivity! It is always exciting to see how amazed they are at how easy it is to organize and collaborate on all your important case documents.”
Patricia Stein

Customer Success Manager

“CP Link frees clients from having to switch between different tools for document editing and case management. They can use the tools they're already familiar with, and CP Link will take care of the rest.”
Kevin McDowell

VP Business Development