Easy access to editing documents on CasePacer.
What does CP Link do?
- Continually uploads your document changes back to CasePacer every time you hit save
- Allows you to view and download all previous versions of the document in CasePacer
- Allows you to save new files to cases without being logged into the CasePacer website
What does this mean for you and your firm?
You’ll save time and effort by letting CP Link do the heavy lifting for you
Keep your document versioning organized and managed properly – no more wondering if you’re working on the right copy of a letter, or if someone overwrote your work.
This state-of-the-art functionality is made possible by utilizing AWS for versioning, back-ups, and storage.
Our CasePacer Team is always looking for ways to assist you in your efforts. We hope this new addition will be a great new tool to have your team move faster and grow your business.
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